Cute Dog Quotes Biography
source ( Potato Head: Can we stop? My parts are killing me.
Buzz Lightyear: How about a quick roll call? Everybody here?
Mr. Potato Head: Not everybody.
Buzz Lightyear: Who's behind?
Slinky Dog: Mine...
[Slinky Dog's back half catches up with the group]
[Buster the dog is barking and trying to leave Andy's room]
Slinky: Ah, this fella says he needs to go out back for a little private time?
Slinky Dog: We've been down this aisle already.
Mr. Potato Head: We haven't been down this aisle, it's pink.
Slinky Dog: Face it, we're lost.
Slinky Dog: How are we going to get up there?
Rex: Maybe if we found some balloons, we could float to the top.
Slinky Dog: Buzz, Buzz! My backend's going to Baton Rouge!
Slinky Dog: [the toys are climbing up an elevator shaft. Some coins fall out of Hamm's stomach opening and hit Slinky in the face] Pork bellies are falling.
Slinky Dog: Pardon me, gentlemen, but have either of you seen a cowboy doll with a bad arm?
Blue Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: [politely] Why, no. I haven't.
Red Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: [yelling] Hey! He was talkin' to me!
Blue Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: No! He was talkin' to me!
Red Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: Why, you! I'll...!
[they both fight until the red robot's head pops up]
[Woody goes to the yard sale]
Mr. Potato Head: Where is he going? He's nuts!
Slinky Dog: His arm ain't that bad!
Rex: Don't do it, Woody! We love you!
Hamm: All right, let's review this one more time. At precisely 8:32-ish, Exhibit A, Woody, was kidnapped.
[Etch-A-Sketch draws Woody]
Hamm: Exhibit B, a composide sketch of the kidnapper.
[Etch-A-Sketch draws Al with a long beard]
Bo Peep: He didn't have a beard like that.
Hamm: Fine. Uh, Etch, give him a shave.
[Etch-A-Sketch redraws Al without a beard]
Slinky Dog: The kidnapper was bigger than that.
Hamm: Oh, picky, picky, picky.
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, let's just go straight to Exhibit F! The kidnapper's vehicle.
[Refers to their toy reconstruction of the driveway]
Mr. Potato Head: Now the vehicle fled the scene in this direction.
[pushes a toy car to the left]
Hamm: Oh, your parts are in backwards! It went the other way!
[pushes the toy car right]
Hamm: Hey, put a cork in it!
[Rex walks through, destroying their model]
Rex: Hey, how do you spell F-B-I?
Mr. Potato Head: My crime scene!
Hamm: Hey, watch where you're going, Godspilla!
Rex: I didn't know this was a crime scene!
Buzz Lightyear: Good work, men. Two blocks down and only nineteen more to go.
Mr. Potato Head: What?
Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog: Nineteen?
Mr. Potato Head: Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me.
Buzz Lightyear: Come on, fellas. Did Woody give up when Sid had me strapped to a rocket?
Rex, Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog: No.
Buzz Lightyear: No. And did he give up when you threw him out of the back of that moving van?
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, you had to bring *that* up!
Buzz Lightyear: No, he didn't! We have a friend in need, and we're not going to rest until he's safe in Andy's room! Now, let's move out!
Buzz Lightyear #2: Hang tight everyone, I'm going to let go of the wall.
[they all look up at him shocked]
Slinky Dog: Huh?
Rex: What?
Mr. Potato Head: He wouldn't!
Buzz Lightyear #2: One!
Hamm: He would.
Buzz Lightyear #2: Two!
Slinky Dog, Rex, Mr. Potato Head, Hamm: DON'T DO IT, BUZZ!
Buzz Lightyear #2: Three!
[he lets go of the wall and they all land on the elevator, which is coming up the shaft]
Buzz Lightyear #2: To infinity and beyond! Approaching destination. Reengaging gravity.
[gets off the elevator into the vent]
Buzz Lightyear #2: Area secure.
[all moaning]
Buzz Lightyear #2: It's OK troops, the antigravity sickness will wear off momentarily. Now, let's move!
Mr. Potato Head: Remind me to glue his helmet shut when we get back.
Toy Story (1995)
Woody: Now, guys, it was an accident. C'mon, you-you've gotta believe me.
Slinky Dog: We believe you, Woody. Right, Rex?
Rex: Well, I mean, uh, I don't like confrontations!
Slinky Dog: It's Sid!
Rex: I thought he was at summer camp!
Hamm: They must've kicked him out early this year.
[watching guests arrive for Andy's party]
Rex: Any dinosaur-shaped ones?
Hamm: Oh, for crying out loud, they're all in *boxes*, you idiot.
Rex: They're getting bigger...
Slinky Dog: Wait, there's a nice little one over there.
[boy turns around, revealing the full length of the box he's carrying]
Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog: AAAAAHH!
Slinky Dog: I knew you were right all along, Woody. Never doubted you for a second.
Slinky Dog: Gaddily bob-howdy!
Woody: Oh, shut up.
Slinky Dog: [while the toys try to extend a chain of toy monkeys to Buzz, who's fallen in the bushes, but catches up to Andy, his mom, and Woody, who are driving to Pizza Planet] It's too short. We need more monkeys!
Rex: There aren't any more! That's the whole barrel!
[tosses to barrel aside, then calls down]
Rex: Buzz, the monkeys aren't working! We're formulating another plan, so stay calm!
Rex: Where could he be?
Woody: Hey uh, Slinky?
Slinky Dog: [with a checker board] Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.
Woody: No, Slink...
Slinky Dog: All right, you can be red if you want.
Woody: Not now, Slink. I've got some bad news.
Slinky Dog: [shouts] Bad news?
Woody: Shhh!
[all the toys freeze]
Woody: Gather everyone for a staff meeting and be happy.
Slinky Dog: Got it.
[walks away slowly with his head down]
Woody: Be happy!
Slinky Dog: [laughs hysterically]
Toy Story 3 (2010)
[from trailer]
Buzz Lightyear: Hold on, this is no time to be hysterical!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: This is the perfect time to be hysterical.
Rex the Green Dinosaur: Should we be HYSTERICAL?
Slinky Dog: No!
Mr. Potato Head: Yes!
Buzz Lightyear: Maybe! But not right now!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: C'mon. Let's go see how much we're going for on eBay.
Hamm the Piggy Bank: Hey, where's that fur-ball Lotso?
Slinky Dog: Yeah, I'd like to loosen his stitching.
Woody: Forget it, guys. He's not worth it.
Slinky Dog: I thought we were going to the attic?
Mr. Potato Head: Remember all that bad stuff I said about Andy's attic? I take it all back.
Slinky Dog: Ya darn-tootin'
Hamm the Piggy Bank: You said it!
Woody: You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in the attic. It'll be safe and warm...
Buzz Lightyear: And we'll all be together.
Woody: Exactly! There's games up there and books and...
Buzz Lightyear: The race car track!
Woody: The race car track. Thank you!
Slinky Dog: And the old TV.
Woody: There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations box. They're fun, right?
Toy Story 2 (1999) (VG)
Slinky Dog: Buzz! My backside's going to Baton Rouge!
Hamm: We need to slow down.
Buzz Lightyear: Who's behind?
Slinky Dog: Mine.
Toy Story Activity Center (1996) (VG)
Slinky Dog: [ready] Let's go: Five In A Row!
Woody: [walks into the middle of Andy's room where the other toys have gathered for the activities] Hey, everyone! Look who's here!
Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog: Hi!
Woody: [to the camera] Can you feel the excitement building? Your Marble Art is really coming along, Rex. What are you doing here?
Rex: I'm exploring the Reptillian Sumconcious, as homarge to post-pollity constructionism!
Woody: That's great, Rex!
Woody: I think.
[calls to Hamm, who's sitting on the top shelf]
Woody: Hey, Hamm! Are you still winning?
Hamm: [playing cards with Rocky] Yep. It's the mismatch of the century.
Rocky: Rocky need to work on Brain muscle.
Woody: [turns to Slink, who is playing Five In A Row] Slink, think fast. How many do you need to win Five In A Row?
Buzz Lightyear: Oh, er, now let me think... um, ow, ah...
Woody: [turns around to face the camera] Why don't you get back to me on that Slink.
Buzz Lightyear: [the Pizza Planet rocket in the left window rotates and a voice over sounds] Pizza Planet.
Buzz Lightyear: [runs in from the right side of the screen] Sheriff! I've discovered a spaceport, and it's outside that window!
Woody: [annoyed] Buzz, that's *Pizza Planet*! It's a *resturant*!
[shakes his head and turns to the camera]
Woody: here are two other places you can go and play. If you want to go to Pizza Planet, click on this window over here.
[folds his arms as Buzz eyes the ball on the bottom left of the screen. Buzz moves over to the ball, taps it, then taps the screen; sighs]
Woody: OK, Buzz. Tell them about your space mission.
Pizza Planet Model Rocket Intercom Announcer: [to the camera] Greetings, Earth person! I am Buzz Lightyear, I come in peace, excuse me...
[opens his wrist communicator]
Pizza Planet Model Rocket Intercom Announcer: ... I must make my report to Star Command.
Woody: [Buzz walks offscreen and a light flashes in the room of the neighbouring house outside another window and evil laughter is heard; reacts] That's the window that takes us to... Sid's house. I guess it will be all right if we go together. Well, go ahead and click on something you wanna do. If you need more help, just click on me.
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